You’ve had the same pair of glasses for years with zero issues. Suddenly, you find yourself getting frequent headaches, squinting to see text that was never an issue to read before, and generally feeling like your vision isn’t what it once was.
Could it be that your vision is declining? Maybe. Maybe, your glasses need replacing. The team at Stoggles knows about eye safety and eye care, and we’ll help walk you through the ins and outs of eyeglass replacement, including letting you know:
- When to replace your glasses
- What upgrades to look for
- Signs and signals your eyewear needs to be replaced ASAP (although, luckily, Stoggles are robust and durable, with all the fantastic features you need combined into one chic pair of glasses)
Get ready. We’re on a mission to help you see better and more stylishly.
Signs Your Glasses Need Replacing
Sometimes it’s easy to know if you need new eyeglasses. Seeing them smashed on the pavement in a pile of spare pieces is a pretty good sign you’re gonna need new ones. Other times, it might not be so apparent. Here are seven signs your glasses need replacing.
1. You’re Getting Headaches
Maybe you’ve Googled headaches and now are convinced you have a terminal illness — we’ve been there, too — but the truth is that if you’ve suddenly begun getting headaches that only happen when you’re reading, sitting at a computer, or wearing your glasses, you might just need new specs. In most cases, getting headaches is due to an incorrect prescription, or the need to get a prescription. This could be the case for anyone with deteriorating eyesight, including first time wearers or customers changing up their frame.
There are several different elements that need to be right for you to not experience headaches when moving to eyewear, and if one element is slightly off, you’ll probably feel it.
Good news, you’ll live to see another day. Bad news, if you’ve used your HSA funds already and don’t have vision coverage, you might need to dive into savings to get some fresh frames.
2. The Eye Strain Is Real
Everyone experiences eye strain once in a while after pulling an all-nighter to finish a report or staring blankly at a computer screen full of data all day. However, constantly feeling the signs of eye strain and fatigue could be a symptom of Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS.
Symptoms of CVS include:
- Headaches
- Neck and back pain
- Shoulder pain
- Itchy, watery eyes or eyes that feel dry
- Tired eyes
- Blurry vision
Sometimes CVS happens as a result of ergonomically incorrect seating or computer screens, but it can also be a result of having eyewear that is no longer the right fit or eyewear that doesn’t have the right prescription. That means it needs replacing.
If you’re pretty sure your eyewear isn’t the issue, and you’re still getting eye strain, keep reading to find out a simple eyewear solution that can help you avoid CVS.
3. You’re Adjusting Your Reading Material
Moving your computer, tablet, smartphone, or book back and forth in order to get the text to sharpen so you can read it isn’t normal. If you’re having issues reading material consistently, you probably need a new prescription that includes vision correction for farsightedness.
If you’re farsighted, you can see objects far away but find it difficult to see material up close. With age, we all lose our up-close vision, usually beginning after age 40. If you’re in that age range and struggling to see the words right in front of you, it might be time to get new glasses.
4. Current Eyewear Is Damaged or Broken
We’ve all had an eyewear mishap that we’ve attempted to “fix” with tape, a spare screw, an eyeglass repair kit, or (worst case scenario) some chewing gum. We get it. You need your glasses, and your vision coverage only covers one new pair of frames per year. These have to last.
Wearing eyewear improperly is another issue that is often neglected — getting your eyewear serviced and checked by an optometrist on a 6 month basis is generally advised to catch or prevent any issues.
Bottom line: If your glasses are broken or otherwise damaged, they need to be replaced as soon as possible.
5. Your Glasses Don’t Have Updated Tech
The optician you see likely offers you an array of different coatings that can help protect your eyes or make it easier to see. Transition lenses, for instance, darken in response to UV rays and return to clear when you step back indoors, helping you avoid the need for prescription sunglasses. Stoggles Dimmers™ have this same type of UV reactive technology, eliminating the need to switch from indoor safety eyewear to outdoor safety eyewear.
When you shop for new eyewear, certain types of technology will help keep your eyes safe and protect your vision.
- UV-blocking lenses. UV protection doesn’t correlate to how darkly tinted your sunglasses may be. In fact, unless your sunglasses say they protect you from UV rays, they may not be offering any protection at all.
UV light damages your vision and can even lead to age-related macular degeneration. Stoggles are created from polycarbonate material, which is naturally UV-blocking.
- Blue light blockers. If your glasses are the correct prescription, yet you still experience CVS, try grabbing some glasses with blue light-blocking lenses. Blue light, like UV light, can pass through the cornea to the retina and may even lead to vision problems down the road.
Blue light comes from computers, tablets, and smartphones and can increase your risk of developing CVS. Stoggles are crafted with blue light-blocking lenses in every pair, reducing your risk of eye strain and keeping you safe while entering dangerous data (or payroll information).
If you’re shopping for new specs, make sure you get the most current tech, like these. Keep your eyes safe and cut down on eye strain with a pair of glasses.
6. You Need an Eye Exam
If you’ve never had an eye exam, you need an eye exam. If you’re over 40 and it’s been more than two years since your last eye exam, you need an eye exam. As we age, our vision begins to change. After age 40, it’s almost impossible to not develop presbyopia, a condition that affects your ability to see material close up.
Since vision can change so quickly, you need to have an eye exam every two years to ensure your current corrective vision prescription is the one you need. If you’re wearing eyeglasses that aren’t the right prescription, you could struggle to see, develop headaches, or even feel nauseous.
7. Everything Is Blurry
Whether everything is blurry when you put on your glasses or just certain images (like objects in the distance or close up), blurry vision is a sign you need new eyewear. It might not mean that the prescription is bad; it may just mean that you need new eyewear because your current lenses are worn down.
It’s worth it to get a fresh eye exam to ensure your prescription is still current, and if it is, then you need a new pair of glasses with fresh lenses to eliminate the blur.
Safety the Stoggles Way
While you’re replacing your glasses, why not upgrade to a new category of eyewear that elevates the styles you love with the functionality you need? Stoggles give you all the great functional features regular safety eyewear provides without compromising on style — that’s what makes them so great, and unlike any other eyewear on the market.
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In addition to UV coverage, blue light-blocking lenses, and comfortable, lightweight frames, we also give you the safety features that ensure you’re covered whether you’re working a jigsaw or throwing down at jiu-jitsu. Here’s what you’ll get in every pair.
Fog-Free Vision
Foggy lenses are no bueno. They create a safety issue by taking you off your task and eliminating the safety of your protective glasses. Stoggles are sealed with an anti-fogging compound to ensure they are fog-free for a long time.
No fog-free lens coating lasts forever, but our proprietary, second-to-none formula is built to last as long as possible. Just keep in mind that cleansing your Stoggles with abrasive wipes or cleansers can shorten their lifespan — cleaning your Stoggles under cold water is the best way to keep the coating intact.
Side and Top Shields
Normal eyewear leaves your eyes vulnerable in two important places: your temples and just above your eyebrows. Top and side shields on every pair of Stoggles keep your eyes safe in these areas.
We prefer this to wraparound lenses, which can sometimes cause warped vision, especially if you have prescription lenses — not to mention that wraparound glasses are undeniably safety glasses, which isn’t particularly stylish.
ANSI Z87.1-2020 Certification
Safety eyewear is nothing if it isn’t shatterproof. That’s why every pair of Stoggles comes with the security of ANSI Z87.1-2020 certification. This ensures your eyewear can withstand high-velocity impact without shattering and sending shards of dangerous material into your eyes.
New Eyewear? Shop Stoggles
You need new eyewear, and you want to make the most of the pair you get. Stoggles is an innovative type of eyewear that combines current frames (like aviators and cat-eyes) with functionality like UV protection, blue-light filtration, and safety features to virtually eliminate the need for any other type of eyewear.
Make the most of your new specs. Stoggles cover all the eye bases from safety to style, vision correction to sun shading.
Frequency of Ocular Examination | American Academy of Ophthalmology
Computer Vision Syndrome - Symptoms and Causes | Penn Medicine
Protecting your eyes from the sun’s UV light | NIH
Presbyopia - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic